Expositores dentona AG
dentona AG

dentona AG

Número do estande: 54-02

Sobre nós

dentona has been the famous and highly experienced German specialist in developing and producing all
different types of dental stones and resins for 3D printers for more than 40 years with many unique
products such as the first clear and tasteless flexible 3d printing resin (optiprint clara), the unique milling disk (optimill memosplint) for clear flexible night guards, the world wide unique Zero expansion range for plasters including the brand new die stone (dentona ZERO rock) and the hardest stone in the market with 400 MPA and
an unrivaled edge stability (dentona No. 1).

dentona also provides model systems, investments, silicones, light-curing materials and other accessories, of course all at TOP quality.


dentona AG
Otto-Hahn Str. 27
44227 Dortmund

Telefone:  +49 231 55560

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